akibat saya mendapatkan pembayaran ketiga dari neobux,saya mulai lagi bersemangat bermain di dunia paid to click terutama di neobux,sebab berbulan bulan saya belum dapat pembayarn dari salah satu ptc sekalipun,lanjut ke topik setelah dapat pembayaran say ingin tahu kabar gembiranya neobux lewat forumnya eh ternyata ada thread yang berjudul NEOBUX TRIVIA untuk memperjelaskannya silahkan baca dan translate sendiri makasih:

For many valid reasons, we do not share our internal statistics.
It's of our best interest to keep some things private for business and / or legal reasons.
But there are a few that you've always wondered and now you'll know.
Below you'll find some facts and figures that NeoBux has made throughout its life. All of these have been made according to our own records being them internal or by third-party monitoring software.
Hope you enjoy satisfying a bit of your curiosity.
Here goes:

Total monetary amount paid: over $15,511,000.00
This value is only related to cashouts.

Total monetary amount earned: over $47,910,000.00
This value includes cashouts and all that the users have earned.

Membership renewal rate: 98.1%
This percentage only includes the total of Golden membership extensions. Re-upgrades are not included nor users whose accounts have been suspended.

Golden Pack renewal rate: 98.8%
This percentage includes all Golden Packs extensions.

Total amount of distinct advertisements displayed: 14651
This value is for all distinct advertisements added by users that have been displayed at least once.

Total amount of distinct banners displayed: 986
This value is for all distinct banners added in any of the pages where banners are displayed.

Total amount of answered support tickets: 123911
This value only relates to tickets sent directly from user's accounts.

Average waiting time to answer a support ticket: 36 minutes and 12 seconds.
This is the average time it takes for answering a support ticket since the time it arrives. Sometimes it can take a few days, sometimes a few seconds but that's the average time.

Total amount of auto-clicker attempts: 118598141
This is the amount of every attempt (not distinct) made to view an advertisement using any kind of software/script.

Total amount of returned users: 87.6%
This is only related to reopened accounts for the 30 day inactivity rule.

Highest amount of times a unique user has been recycled: 14
Just as a trivia, this user had his/her account reopened for inactivity 6 times (so far).

Total of direct referrals users sold us: 784156
Only actual sales are included.

Highest cashed out amount in a single transaction: $20,744.06
This is the highest of all payments we've made.

Highest amount of the total of cashouts from a single user: 324
This is the amount of times one user has requested payments.

Biggest ROI ever achieved by a user: 37 times (3700%)
This is the biggest return of investment made by a single user.

Percentage of referrals under AutoPay: 74.1%
This is the total number of users (referrals) that are being paid using AutoPay.

Percentage of rentals by membership: Standard: 1.03%, Golden: 98.97%
This is the percentage related to each type of membership's rented referrals.

maaf mungkin ini copas tpi gpp dah yang penting gak keseringan ehehhe

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