well for you who are sports mania and you who are like to playing betting,i have good recommended site to to you name online sports betting,well for your information there are 5 sports that we can join to bet.first is football betting well i think football is one of sports that most of people around a world like it and play it so if you like playing football you can play betting on football betting section,second basketball betting basketball is second sports that like very much around a world so we dont worry again if many basketball stars that born in this world,third is baseball betting and fourth is hockey betting and lastly is soccer betting.there also 10 online sports betting book that recommend on this site,but now i check it,bookmarker is most online sports book that i recommend for you who like playing sports betting.

in 1950 there was a big scandal that major point shaving scandals in college basketball.In the early 1960′s, NFL stars Paul Hornung of the Green Bay Packers and Alex Karras of the Detroit Lions were suspended from the league for one season for placing bets on NFL games involving other teams. In 1989, Cincinnati Reds manager Pete Rose was banned for life from Major League Baseball for placing wagers on MLB games. Unlike Hornung and Karras, Rose did place wagers on games involving his own team. More recently, the NBA was hit with a scandal involving league referee Tim Donaghy.


i tell you how to play this betting online first,you must choose a team who maybe win a match,second is if you win you get team B that mean you get 3 point plus increase,but if you lose you get team A that mean you get 3 point decrease.well i think playing betting online is really fun for us who like betting especially in sports and like playing sports betting online

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