NASIB-NASIB bulan ini ptc yang saya sukai salah satunya yaitu buxwiz.mengalami kendala dan problem yang sangat besar mereka ada 2 kendala besar pertama mereka sengaja mendisablekan cashout page untuk keamanan karena sejumlah hacker telah merusak sistem mereka.kegiatan hacker ini sudah dimulai 7 jam yang lalu tetapi admin buxwiz terlambat mengatasinya sehingga mereka telah mengalami kendala yang besar pada cashoutnya untuk lebih jelasnya saya copas nih berita dari forum buxwiz:

We have detected some very serious security flaws on some parts of our script - The Support Page, Private Messaging, Banner Advertising and Cashout page. We are putting in all the work we can to get them up back and running, but we will take our time if needed to get it as secure as possible, as a group of cheaters today have used the security holes to cashed out amounts they do not deserve. To prevent further abuse of these flaws, we have disabled the above mentioned pages. We will enable them one by one as soon as we fix them.

I think I won't get some sleep for the next few days, but I hope it wont take that long. Also, we are experiencing some backdoor issues and will soon try to solve them, so some downtime is expected in a few days, but we will keep you updated. Apologies for the inconvenience. UPDATE: Support module back up.
UPDATE 2: Private Messaging back up.

KENDALA YANG KEDUA ADALAH mereka juga mengalami masalah batasana limit paypal sehingga mereka harus dibantu oleh admin yang baru.dengan adanya masalah ini banyak yang kesel ama buxwiz karena ornag ingin cashout tapi masih ditahan dan tidak boleh cashout selama perbaikan.sebelum menutup postingan saya yang ini ini dia copas dari forum buxwiz untuk kendala yang kedua:

Hi, Just read a thread at another forums regrading BuxWiz. As we said earlier, there are some vital backdoor stuff going on. There will be an ownership change soon as we are finding it hard to manage all of it. Time is what we are lacking right now. It wasn't said earlier to avoid a confusion/chaos at the forums. We are right now inviting offers from serious and honest individuals. Minimum acceptable bid is $5000.

You are requested to contact with your queries or bids. Regarding paused cashouts, our PayPal account is right now limited temporarily limited following frequent chargebacks as you can see in the sreenshot below.

We have been asked to submit some documents and we have already done that. Just waiting for it to be resolved. Payments should be resumed shortly as I said yesterday. No one will lose their accounts/money/investments as the new owner will be running the site just as we did. Apart from that we will be still here, for atleast a month, assisting the new owner through everything.

semoga aja dengan adanya masalah ini buxwiz tidak menjadi scam seperti kebanyakan ptc yang menawarkan instant payment.i hope they not SCAM.

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