Hari kemarin ketika saya ingin berkunjung ke buxwiz tiba-tiba ada tulisan bahwa mereka mengalami masalah DDOS NAME SERVER yang membuat theclickers tidak bisa mengakses website ini.di situ ditulisakan bahwa"maaf kami mengalami gangguang DDOS NAME SERVER silahkan besok anda berkunjung ke sini lagi"(translate dari bhs inggris).tapi dalam beberapa jam kemudian website ini bisa diakses kira2 jam 11 malam-an kalau tidak salah dan ketika ini saya mengklik tulisan READ IMPORTANT NEWS saya kira ada apa.ehh ternyata admin buxwiz meminta maaf atas gangguan yang mereka alami dan ini dia apa yang dikatakan admin buxwiz pada forum buxwiz kemarin silahkan baca:

"No idea if I am here with a good news or a bad news. Either way, read on.. We were facing heavy DDoS attack for the last two days. We've also confirmed that the same happened last day when the ads reset multiple times. Apart from that, there were a group of people who were trying to hack into our control panel using bruteforce methods. Fortunately, since we had an uber secure password and a strong firewall, they couldn't succeed. But due to the DDoS attack, minor damages did happen to our database server. As a result, the databases were severely broken and we couldn't repair it anyway(yeah, we did try our best to restore it, but.. :( I wish I had a time machine). What we are using right now is a backup that is around 16 hours old.

We did lose some new registrations as well as some purchases. No worries regarding the purchases, users who purchased something in here during the "lost hours" are kindly requested to submit a support request at the earliest using our contact page. Considering this, we have tightened the security and have already bought an SSL which will be up and running in a few days. Hold on, more features and security are coming. We do know what happened isn't silly.

But we did our best to overcome the situation without having to restore a backup which is a week old. Also, inorder to compensate the 2 days downtime, we have added 5 days to all Magicians and did the same to all rented refs expiry date as well. Also, we have made sure that users wont lose any referral clicks today. Even though none was able to click yesterday, it wont affect anyone's referral earnings today. In case you need further clarification, drop a message here. I would be more than happy to help you out.

Nah kata itulah yang mereka ucapkan kepada membernya.buxwiz memang hebat selain instant payout mereka juga punya sistem yang bernama instant service.BAGAIMANA TERTARIK.INGIN JOIN.KLIK AJA BANNER DI BAWAH INI:

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