Apakah anda tahu situs ptc bernama palmbux?nah kalau tahu sekarang palmbux membuat kebijakan baru tentang harga perclick,bayaran iklan dan lain-lain(SAYA SENDIRI LUPA) =).Kebijakan itu membuat saya meneruskan cashout saya di palmbux soalnya balance di account palmbux saya sudah $1.285(kalau tidak salah) yah minimal kuarng dari 70 cent lagi untuk cashout.lanjut ke topik,pemberitahuan tentang kebijakan baru itu diumumkan pada menu view ads.

yang ada pada setiap palmbux member well di forum palmbux mereka mengumumkan harga-harga dan biaya sewa referral dan lain-lain.banyak tanggapan dari member palmbux yang menyatakan puas dengan kebijakan palmbux yang baru termasuk saya sebagai palmbux member.nah apakah anda ingin tahu kebijakan baru palmbux.oke langsung saja saya mencopy paste tersebut dari forum palmbux.ini dia


Dear PalmBux Members,
i finish now the new Advertise System.Why new Advertise System?Because we want more Advertiser on PalmBux and you will also get more earnings, because you will have more ads to click! What does this mean?You can now buy cheaper Ads!We have 4 Ads Classes:
Class A: View Page: 30 seconds1000 Ads for only $19
Class B: View Page: 20 seconds1000 Ads for only $11
Class C: View Page: 15 seconds1000 Ads for only $8
Class D: View Page: 8 seconds1000 Ads for only $4
We also change the click rates:
Class A:
standard: 0.008 / 0.005
premium: 0.01 / 0.01
Deluxe: 0.012 / 0.01
Buisness: 0.012 / 0.0
1Luxury: 0.015 / 0.01
Royal: 0.015 / 0.01
PalmElite: 0.02 / 0.01

Class B:
standard: 0.003 / 0.003
premium: 0.006 / 0.006
Deluxe: 0.008 / 0.006
Buisness: 0.008 / 0.006
Luxury: 0.01 / 0.006
Royal: 0.01 / 0.006
PalmElite: 0.012 / 0.006

Class C:
standard: 0.002 / 0.002
premium: 0.004 / 0.004
Deluxe: 0.006 / 0.004
Buisness: 0.006 / 0.004
Luxury: 0.008 / 0.004
Royal: 0.008 / 0.004
PalmElite: 0.01 / 0.004

Class D:
standard: 0.001 / 0.001
premium: 0.002 / 0.002
Deluxe: 0.004 / 0.002
Buisness: 0.004 / 0.002
Luxury: 0.006 / 0.002
Royal: 0.006 / 0.002
PalmElite: 0.008 / 0.002

Why we lower the click rates for standard Members?
Because we can only sell cheap ads with this way and in the end you will have more ads and also more earnings! But don't worry i don'T forget my standard members.
New benefits for Standard Members -
Rent Referrals costs now: $0.30 before was $0.32-
Delete direct Referrals costs now: $0.15 before was $0.25-
1 Month Premium costs now: $15 before was $17-
You can disable now the daily jackpot !-
Cashout is now 2,4,6,8

best regardsyour palmbux team

Posted: 28/05/09 06:19:44

BAGAIMANA tertarik untunk mengikuti palmbux ayo gabung sekarang juga klik banner di bawah ini jika anda ingin mengikuti palmbux

start sharing not selling

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